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Search results for: evangelism
248 results found.
25 pages of results.
What is a watchcare ministry or watchcare membership, and is it biblical? What is a watch care member at a church?
What is quietism? What is a quietist? Is quietism something a Christian should practice?
What is anti-intellectualism? Is Christianity anti-intellectual? Is anti-intellectualism compatible with the Christian faith?
What is the Acts 29 Network? What is the origin of the Acts 29 Network? What are the beliefs of churches in the Acts 29 Network?
What is the Evangelical Covenant Church? What are the beliefs of Evangelical Covenant Churches?
What is the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME)? What is the origin of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church?
What is the International Christian Church (ICC), and what do they believe? What are some of the problems with the International Christian Church?
Are we to love the sinner but hate the sin? Is it even possible to truly love a sinner while hating the sins they commit?
139. What is the International Church of Christ (ICOC), and what do they believe? |
What is the International Church of Christ (ICOC), and what do they believe? What are some possible problems with the 'International Church of Chr...
What is the Vineyard Movement? What was the origin of the Vineyard Movement? Is the Vineyard Movement biblical? Home