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Questions about People in the Bible (All)

Why is it important to study the various characters in the Bible?

When did _______ live? What are the approximate dates of the lives of various people in the Bible?

Who was Adam in the Bible?

How old was Adam when he died?

How tall was Adam?

Who was Eve in the Bible?

Who was Cain in the Bible?

Who was Abel in the Bible?

Who was Seth in the Bible?

Who was Adah in the Bible?

Who was Tubal-Cain in the Bible?

Who was Enoch in the Bible?

Who was Methuselah in the Bible?

Who was Lamech in the Bible?

Who was Noah in the Bible?

Who was Noah’s wife?

Where did Noah live?

How old was Noah when he died?

What is the biblical account of Shem, Ham, and Japheth?

Who was Shem in the Bible?

Who was Ham in the Bible?

Who was Japheth in the Bible?

Who was Nimrod in the Bible?

Who was Job in the Bible?

When did Job live?

Who was Terah in the Bible?

Who was Haran in the Bible?

Who was Abraham in the Bible?

Why did God choose Abraham?

Was Abraham a Jew or Gentile?

How old was Abraham when he died?

Who was Sarah in the Bible?

Who was Lot in the Bible?

Who was Hagar in the Bible?

Was Hagar Abraham’s wife or his concubine?

Who was Ishmael in the Bible?

What happened to Ishmael in the Bible?

What is the significance of Kedar in the Bible?

Who was Eliezer in the Bible?

Who was Isaac in the Bible?

Who was Keturah in the Bible?

Who was Abimelech in the Bible?

Who was Laban in the Bible?

Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

Who was Esau in the Bible?

Who was Jacob in the Bible?

Who was Rachel in the Bible?

Who was Bilhah in the Bible?

Who was Zilpah in the Bible?

Who was Leah in the Bible?

Who was Dinah in the Bible?

Who was Joseph in the Old Testament?

What should we learn from what the Bible says about Tamar?

Who was Dan in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Dan?

Who was Judah in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Judah?

Who was Benjamin in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Benjamin?

Who was Reuben in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Reuben?

What should we learn from the tribe of Simeon?

Who was Simeon in the Bible?

Who was Levi in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Levi?

What should we learn from the tribe of Joseph?

Who was Issachar in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Issachar?

Who was Gad in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Gad?

What should we learn from the tribe of Manasseh?

Who was Manasseh in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Ephraim?

Who was Zebulun in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Zebulun?

Who was Asher in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Asher?

Who was Naphtali in the Bible?

What should we learn from the tribe of Naphtali?

Who was Ephraim in the Bible?

Who was Perez in the Bible?

Who was Zerah in the Bible?

Who was Aaron in the Bible?

Who was Amminadab in the Bible?

Who was Hur in the Bible?

Is Ben-Hur in the Bible?

Who was Moses’ father?

Who was Moses’ mother?

Who was Moses in the Bible?

Did Moses exist?

Did Moses stutter?

What can we learn from the relationship of Moses and Aaron?

Did Moses have children?

In what ways was Moses like Jesus?

How old was Moses when he died?

Who was Miriam in the Bible?

Who was Zipporah in the Bible?

Who was Jethro in the Bible?

Who was Eleazar in the Bible?

Who was Ithamar in the Bible?

Who was Korah in the Bible?

Who was Dathan in the Bible?

Who was Abiram in the Bible?

Who was Og king of Bashan?

Who was Sihon, king of the Amorites?

Who was Balaam in the Bible?

Who was Balak in the Bible?

Who/what was Tirzah in the Bible?

Who was Joshua in the Bible?

Who is Caleb in the Bible?

Who was Rahab in the Bible?

Who was Achan in the Bible?

Who was Deborah in the Bible?

Who was Sisera in the Bible?

Who was Jael in the Bible?

Who was Gideon in the Bible?

Who were Zebah and Zalmunna in the Bible?

Who was Samson in the Bible?

Who was Delilah in the Bible?

Who was Elimelech in the Bible?

Who was Naomi in the Bible?

Who/what is Marah in the Bible?

Who was Ruth in the Bible?

Who was Boaz in the Bible?

Who was Elkanah in the Bible?

Who was Hannah in the Bible?

Who was Eli in the Bible?

Who was Samuel in the Bible?

Who was Nahash the Ammonite?

Who was King Saul in the Bible?

Who was Jonathan in the Bible?

Who was Agag in the Bible?

Who was Abner in the Bible?

Who was Doeg the Edomite?

Who were the priests of Nob?

Who was Obed in the Bible?

Who was Jesse in the Bible?

Who was David in the Bible?

Where was King David born?

How old was David when he was anointed, fought Goliath, became king, died?

How did King David die?

How many children did King David have?

How many brothers did King David have?

Who was Michal in the Bible?

What should we learn from the account of David and Goliath?

Who was Ahinoam of Jezreel?

Who was Abigail in the Bible?

Who was Nabal in the Bible?

Who was Gad the seer?

Who was Obed-Edom in the Bible?

Who was Mephibosheth?

Who was Shimei in the Bible?

Who was Ahimaaz in the Bible?

Who was Araunah the Jebusite? What was the threshing floor of Araunah?

Who was Rizpah in the Bible?

Who was Jeduthun in the Bible?

Who was Nathan in the Bible?

Who was Bathsheba in the Bible?

Who was Uriah the Hittite?

Who was Joab in the Bible?

Who was Benaiah in the Bible?

Who was Zadok in the Bible?

Who was Hilkiah in the Bible?

Who was Abiathar in the Bible?

Who was Amnon in the Bible?

Who was Absalom?

Who was Ahithophel in the Bible?

Who was Hushai in the Bible?

Who was Barzillai in the Bible?

Who was Amasa in the Bible?

Who was the Asaph mentioned in the Book of Psalms?

Who was Adonijah in the Bible?

Who was Abishag in the Bible?

Who was Solomon in the Bible?

Who was Huram / Hiram in the Bible?

Who was Jedidiah in the Bible?

Who was Ahijah in the Bible?

Who was King Rehoboam in the Bible?

Who was King Abijah in the Bible?

Who was King Asa in the Bible?

Who was King Nadab in the Bible?

Who was King Baasha in the Bible?

Who was King Elah in the Bible?

Who was Ben-Hadad in the Bible?

Who was Hazael in the Bible?

Who was King Jehoshaphat in the Bible?

Who were the Meunites?

Who was King Jehoram / Joram in the Bible?

Who was King Jehoahaz in the Bible?

Who was Elijah in the Bible?

Who was King Zimri in the Bible?

Who was King Omri in the Bible?

Who was King Ahab in the Bible?

Who was Jezebel in the Bible?

Who was Micaiah in the Bible?

Who was Naboth in the Bible?

Who was King Ahaziah in the Bible?

Who was King Jehu in the Bible?

Who was Athaliah in the Bible?

Who was King Joash in the Bible?

Who was Jehoiada in the Bible?

Who was King Amaziah in the Bible?

Who was King Zechariah in the Bible?

Who was King Shallum in the Bible?

Who was Elisha in the Bible?

Who was Gehazi in the Bible?

Who was Naaman in the Bible?

Who were the Zidonians in the Bible?

Who was Azariah in the Bible?

Who was King Uzziah in the Bible?

Who was King Jotham in the Bible?

Who was King Ahaz in the Bible?

Who was Isaiah in the Bible?

How did Isaiah die?

Who was Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz?

Who was Joel in the Bible?

Who was Gomer in the Bible?

Who was Lo-ruhamah in the Bible?

Who was Micah in the Bible?

Who is Habakkuk in the Bible?

Who was Sennacherib in the Bible?

Who was Rabshakeh in the Bible?

Who was Hezekiah in the Bible?

Who was King Manasseh in the Bible?

Who was King Amon in the Bible?

Who is Amos in the Bible?

Who was Obadiah in the Bible?

Who was King Josiah in the Bible?

Who was Huldah the prophetess in the Bible?

Who was Pharaoh Neco?

Who was Jeremiah in the Bible?

How did Jeremiah die?

Who was Baruch in the Bible?

Who was Hananiah in the Bible?

Who was Ezekiel in the Bible?

Who was Daniel in the Bible?

Who was Nebuchadnezzar?

Who was Nebuzaradan in the Bible?

Who was Belshazzar?

Who was Jonah in the Bible?

Who was King Pekah in the Bible?

Who was King Hoshea in the Bible?

Who was King Jehoiakim in the Bible?

Who was King Jehoiachin in the Bible?

Who was King Zedekiah in the Bible?

Who was Gedaliah in the Bible?

Who was Cyrus in the Bible?

Who was Darius in the Bible?

Who was Zerubbabel in the Bible?

Who was Joshua the high priest?

Who was Ezra in the Bible?

Who was Sheshbazzar in the Bible?

Who was Nehemiah in the Bible?

Who was Shechaniah in the Bible?

Who was the prophet Zechariah in the Bible?

Who was Xerxes in the Bible?

Who was Mordecai in the Bible?

Who was Vashti in the Bible?

Who was Esther in the Bible?

Who was Hadassah in the Bible?

Who was Artaxerxes in the Bible?

Who was Malachi in the Bible?

Who was Herod the Great?

Who was Herod Antipas?

Who was Zechariah in the Bible?

Who was Elizabeth in the Bible?

What is the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth?

Who was John the Baptist in the Bible?

Who baptized John the Baptist?

Who was Joseph, the father of Jesus?

What does the Bible say about the virgin Mary?

What was Mary’s lineage?

Why did God choose Mary?

How many Marys are in the Bible?

When did Mary die? How did Mary die?

What happened to Mary?

How old was Mary when Jesus was born?

How old was Joseph when Jesus was born?

Who was Herodias in the Bible?

Who was Anna the prophetess in the Bible?

Who was Salome in the Bible?

Who was Peter in the Bible?

Was Peter ever in Rome?

Who was Andrew in the Bible?

Who was John the Apostle in the Bible?

What can we learn from what the Bible says about James the apostle?

Who was Zebedee in the Bible?

Who was Philip in the Bible?

Who was Nathanael in the Bible?

Who was Bartholomew in the Bible?

Who was Thaddeus in the Bible?

Who was Nicodemus in the Bible?

Who was Matthew in the Bible?

Who was Simon the Zealot?

Who was James the son of Alphaeus?

Who was Judas Iscariot?

Why did Jesus choose Judas?

What should we learn from the woman at the well?

Who was Lazarus in the Bible?

What happened to Lazarus after Jesus raised him from the dead?

Who was Joanna in the Bible?

What is the story of blind Bartimaeus?

Who was Zacchaeus in the Bible?

Who was Jairus in the Bible?

Who was Thomas in the Bible?

How can I avoid being a doubting Thomas?

Who was Mary of Bethany in the Bible?

Who was Martha in the Bible?

Who was Simon the Pharisee?

Why did Peter cut off the ear of Malchus, one of the people trying to arrest Jesus?

Who was Barabbas in the Bible?

Who was Simon the Leper?

Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

Who was Rufus in the Bible?

Who was Annas in the Bible?

Who was Caiaphas in the Bible?

What is the account of Annas and Caiaphas?

Who was John Mark in the Bible?

Is Veronica mentioned in the Bible?

Who was Cleopas in the Bible?

Who was James, the brother of Jesus, in the Bible?

How did the name Jacob become James in the New Testament?

Who was Matthias in the Bible?

Who was Theudas in the Bible?

Who was Stephen in the Bible?

Who was Prochorus in the Bible?

Who was Gamaliel in the Bible?

Who was Ananias in the Bible?

Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying?

Who was Cornelius in the Bible?

Who was the Ethiopian eunuch?

What is the story of Saul of Tarsus before he became the apostle Paul?

Who was Paul in the Bible?

When was Paul born?

Where did Paul learn to be a tentmaker?

Was the Apostle Paul a Jew?

Who was Barnabas in the Bible?

What should we learn from the account of Paul and Barnabas?

Who was Silas in the Bible?

What should we learn from the account of Paul and Silas?

What can we learn from what the Bible says about Paul and Timothy?

Why was Paul in prison?

How old was the apostle Paul when He died?

Who was Lydia in the Bible?

Who was Dorcas in the Bible?

Who were Priscilla and Aquila?

Who was Sosthenes in the Bible?

Who was Apollos?

Who was Bar-Jesus in the Bible?

Who was Luke in the Bible?

Who was Rhoda in the Bible?

Who was Agabus in the Bible?

Who was Herod Agrippa I?

Who was Herod Agrippa II?

Who was Simon the tanner?

Who was Aeneas in the Bible?

Who was Demas in the Bible?

Who was Phoebe in the Bible?

Who was Claudia in the Bible?

Who was Eutychus in the Bible?

Who is Drusilla in the Bible?

Who was Crispus in the Bible?

Who was Gaius in the Bible?

Who was Aristarchus in the Bible?

Who was Damaris in the Bible?

Who was Epaphroditus in the Bible?

Who was Tertius in the Bible?

Who was Erastus in the Bible?

Who was Demetrius in the Bible?

Who was Porcius Festus?

Who is Felix in the Bible?

Who was Alexander the coppersmith in the Bible?

Who were Hymenaeus and Alexander, and what does it mean that their faith was shipwrecked?

Who was Chloe in the Bible?

Who was Timothy in the Bible?

How did Timothy die?

Who were Lois and Eunice in the Bible?

Who was Tyrannus in the Bible?

Who was Onesiphorus in the Bible?

Who was Philemon in the Bible?

Who was Onesimus in the Bible?

Who was Epaphras in the Bible?

Who was Nympha in the Bible?

Who was Archippus in the Bible?

Who was Titus in the Bible?

Who was Tychicus in the Bible?

Who was Diotrephes in the Bible?

Who was Jude in the Bible?

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