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Search results for: abusive marriage
22 results found containing all search terms. 759 results found containing some search terms.
79 pages of results.
How should a Christian respond to being in a loveless marriage? What is the biblical cure for a loveless marriage?
Is it possible to marry the wrong person? How can I know if I am marrying the wrong person? What do I do if I am married to the wrong person?
What does the Bible say about spousal rape / marital rape? Can a marriage be saved after spousal rape has occurred?
Why is virginity so important in the Bible? Why is it a sin for two people who are in love to have sex before marriage?
How should Christians view Men Going Their Own Way? What is MGTOW? Why are some men so terribly disillusioned about relationships with women?
Is physical abuse an acceptable reason for divorce? Does an abused wife have to stay with her husband?
What is the biblical perspective on domestic violence? How does God view domestic violence?
What are valid reasons for breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend? What does the Bible say about breakups / a breakup?
What are the biblical grounds for divorce? For what reasons can a person seek a divorce, biblically speaking?
Why does it say in 1 Timothy 4:1 that some will depart from the faith? What does it mean to depart from the faith? Home