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Search results for: test the spirits
68 results found containing all search terms. 794 results found containing some search terms.
87 pages of results.
Is there any reason to fear going into a cemetery? How can I overcome being scared of going into a graveyard?
What does it mean to backslide? What is backsliding? What does it mean to be backslidden?
What is the canon of Scripture? Does the Bible even tell us what books belong in the Bible?
How should a Christian respond to evidence of paranormal activity? Are demons behind all, or at least some, of the instances of paranormal activity?
What does it mean to count it all joy? What is the meaning of count it all joy in James 1:2?
What kind of divination did Joseph do in Genesis 44:5, 15? Why would Joseph use divination when it is against God’s commands?
What is an Absalom spirit? Does the Bible say anything about a Absalom spirit?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How many angels can fit on the head of a pin or the point of a needle?
What does it mean to be dead in trespasses and sins? What does Ephesians 2:1 mean when it says you were dead in your trespasses and sins?
Why do we say, ʺGod bless you,ʺ when someone sneezes? What is the origin of saying ʺGod bless youʺ after a sneeze? Home