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Search results for: evangelism
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25 pages of results.
What are the mainline denominations? Why is Christianity so divided into different denominations? Which denominations are considered to be mainline?
Who was Pat Robertson? What is Pat Robertson most known for? What influential books did Pat Robertson write?
Who was Charles Stanley? What is Charles Stanley most known for? What influential books did Charles Stanley write?
Who are the Gideons International, and what do they believe? What is the mission of the Gideons? What is a Gideon Bible?
Who was G. Campbell Morgan? What is G. Campbell Morgan most known for? How did G. Campbell Morgan become a successful evangelist?
Questions about Salvation (All): What is salvation? What is the plan of salvation? Can a Christian lose salvation?
Should a Christian study philosophy? Is there anything wrong with studying philosophy and/or being a philosopher?
Who was C.S. Lewis? What is C.S. Lewis most known for? What led C.S. Lewis from atheism to faith in Christ?
What is the meaning of the term Christian? What is the origin of the word Christian? Was “Christian” originally a derogatory name?
Why are there Christian sects? What is a Christians sect? Is a sect the same thing as a cult? Home