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Topical Bible Questions (All)

What does the Bible say about abortion?

What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide?

What does the Bible say about love?

What does the Bible say about depression?

What does the Bible say about healing?

What does the Bible say about war?

Why do so many people seek after signs and wonders?

What does the Bible say about self-love, loving self?

What does the Bible say about luck?

What does the Bible say about self-esteem?

What does the Bible say about generational curses?

What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?

What does the Bible say about jealousy?

What does the Bible say about envy?

What does the Bible say about what foods we should eat?

What does the Bible say about self-defense?

What does the Bible say about soul ties?

Should a Christian ever get involved with hypnosis?

What does the Bible say about superstitions?

What does the Bible say about managing your finances?

What does the Bible say about dancing? Should Christians dance?

What does the Bible say about hunting animals for sport?

What does the Bible say about fear?

What does the Bible say about self-mutilation?

What does the Bible say about the virgin Mary?

What is the Christian view of psychics?

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?

What does the Bible say about anger?

What does the Bible say about worry?

What does the Bible say about spiritual warfare?

What does the Bible say about a Christian staying single?

What does the Bible say about getting a sex change?

What is the Christian view of retirement?

What does the Bible say about a Christian serving in the military?

What does the Bible say about organ donation?

What does the Bible say about eating disorders?

What does the Bible say about cremation? Should Christians be cremated?

What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?

What does the Bible say about the death penalty / capital punishment?

What does the Bible say about cancer?

What does the Bible say about habits?

What does the Bible say about energy healing / energy medicine?

What does the Bible say about praying to / speaking to the dead?

What does the Bible say about the holy grail?

What does the Bible say about magic, magicians, illusionists?

What does the Bible say about animal rights?

What does the Bible say about hermaphrodites?

What does the Bible say on the importance of accountability?

What does the Bible say about karma?

What does the Bible say about patience?

Can a Christian be a nudist? What does the Bible say about nudity?

What does the Bible say about pedophilia?

What does the Bible say about paying taxes?

What does the Bible say about gossip?

What does the Bible say about channeling?

Laying on of hands - what does the Bible say?

What does the Bible say about pride?

What does the Bible say about laziness?

What does the Bible say about a sixth sense / third eye?

What is the Christian’s hope?

What does the Bible say about feminism? Should a Christian be a feminist?

What does the Bible say about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?

How does God view illegal immigration?

How should a Christian respond to illegal aliens/illegal immigrants?

What does the Bible say about keeping your vows / oaths? What happens if we break a vow we made to God?

How should a Christian view materialism?

What is the Christian perspective on Goth? How should Christians view the Gothic movement?

What does the Bible say about snake handling? Should we be handling snakes in church?

What is agape love?

What is phileo love?

What is eros love?

What is storge love?

What does the Bible say about self-hatred?

What does the Bible say about astrology or the Zodiac? Is astrology something a Christian should study?

What does the Bible say about women leaders in government? Should a woman be President?

What does the Bible say about fate / destiny?

What does the Bible say about an out of body experience / astral projection?

What does the Bible say about AIDS / HIV? Is AIDS / HIV a judgment from God?

What does the Bible say about restitution?

Why are Christians guilty of hate speech?

What does the Bible say about human rights?

What does the Bible say about self-worth?

What does the Bible say about shaving?

What does the Bible say about cannibalism? Is there cannibalism in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about torture?

What does the Bible say about procrastination?

Does the Bible support Communism?

What does the Bible say about vampires?

What does the Bible say about revenge?

What does the Bible say about dealing with difficult people?

What does the Bible say about eating food/meat that has been sacrificed to idols?

What does the Bible say about pandemic diseases/sicknesses?

What does the Bible say about being a servant / servanthood?

What does the Bible say about shyness/being shy?

What does the Bible have to say about holistic medicine?

What does the Bible say about tough love?

What does the Bible say about compassion?

What does the Bible say about self-discipline?

Why is leprosy talked about so much in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about honor?

What does the Bible say about sadness?

What does the Bible say about perseverance?

What does the Bible say about ego?

What does the Bible say about arrogance?

What does the Bible say about consecration?

What does the Bible say about time management?

What does the Bible say about corporal punishment as practiced by governments?

What does the Bible say about insecurity?

What does the Bible say about lending money?

What does the Bible say about coping/dealing with a terminal illness?

What does the Bible say about art?

What does the Bible say about satire and/or sarcasm?

What does the Bible say about resentment?

What does the Bible say about favoritism?

What does the Bible say about setting goals?

Why did the Old Testament Law command against the eating of pork?

What is contextualization?

What does the Bible say about criticism?

What is divine healing?

What does the Bible say about discernment?

What does the Bible say about decision-making?

What does the Bible say about second chances?

What does the Bible say about work ethic? What is a Christian work ethic?

What does the Bible say about thankfulness/gratitude?

What does the Bible say about ingratitude/unthankfulness?

What does the Bible say about doubt?

What does the Bible say about controlling your temper?

What does the Bible say about overcoming grief?

How did God use dreams and visions in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about pets?

Can a Christian burn incense?

What does the Bible say about incense?

What does the Bible say about faithfulness?

What is spiritual manipulation?

What is spiritual adultery?

What does the Bible say about population control / depopulation?

What does the Bible say about white lies?

What is the definition of piety?

What does the Bible say about being self-centered?

What is the definition of exhortation?

What does the Bible say about snakes? Are snakes evil?

What does the Bible say about the value of solitude?

Dealing with negative people—what does the Bible say?

What does the Bible say about playing the lottery?

What does the Bible say about busyness / being too busy?

What does the Bible mean by longsuffering?

What does the Bible say about saving money?

What does the Bible say about idleness/being idle?

How should a Christian view alcoholics? What does the Bible say about drunkards?

What does the Bible say about personal responsibility?

What does the Bible say about sensuality?

What does the Bible say about coincidence?

What does the Bible say about selflessness?

What does the Bible say about popularity / wanting to be popular?

What does the Bible say about panic attacks?

Why does the Bible speak so negatively about tax collectors?

What does the Bible say about having a poor or healthy body image?

What does the Bible say about the value of a secret place?

According to the Bible, to whom are we to be submissive, and why?

What does the Bible say about flattery?

What does the Bible say about diversity?

What is the Plan B morning-after pill?

Is epilepsy mentioned in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about ghost hunting?

What does the Bible say about injustice?

What does the Bible say about being in jail or prison?

What does the Bible say about lawyers?

What does the Bible say about stoning?

What does the Bible say about despair?

Does the Bible say anything about holy war?

What does the Bible say about a false witness?

How should a Christian respond to a bad economy?

What does the Bible say about bribery / giving or receiving a bribe?

What does the Bible say about disrespect?

What is biblical manhood?

What is biblical womanhood?

What does the Bible say about common sense?

What does the Bible say that would apply to selfie culture?

Does the Bible say anything about the possibility of time travel?

What does the Bible say about caregiving?

What is an empath? What does it mean to be empathic?

What does the Bible say about being nosey?

What does the Bible say about nutrition?

What does the Bible say about being stubborn / stubbornness?

What does the Bible say about visualization?

Should a Christian pay into Social Security and/or accept Social Security payments?

What does the Bible say about false accusations?

What does the Bible say about saving for retirement?

What does the Bible say about trusting others?

What does the Bible say about xenophobia?

What does the Bible say about self-help methods?

What does the Bible say about cryonics or cryogenics?

What does the Bible say about healthcare?

What does the Bible say about cowardice or being a coward?

What is the difference between faith and hope?

What is the key to overcoming discouragement?

What does the Bible say about misanthropy?

What does the Bible say about donating blood/blood donations?

What does the Bible say about daydreaming? Is it wrong to daydream?

What does the Bible say about boredom?

What does the Bible say about clothing?

What does the Bible say about egotism / egoism? What is an egoist / egotist?

Is there any spiritual significance to birthstones?

What does the Bible say about paranoia / being paranoid?

Should a Christian go on welfare?

What does the Bible say about slander?

What is a mime? Does the Bible say anything about miming?

What does the Bible say about nose rings / getting a nose ring?

Should a Christian prank / do pranks? Is it wrong to play a practical joke on someone?

Should a Christian be a vigilante?

What does it mean to have a holier-than-thou attitude?

Should a Christian have swag / swagger?

What does the Bible say about a midlife crisis?

Does the Bible say anything about crop circles?

How should Christians view weapons of mass destruction / nuclear weapons?

What does the Bible say about rioting?

What does the Bible say about assertiveness?

What does the Bible say about being a good student?

How should a Christian view entrepreneurship?

What does the Bible say about reputation?

What does the Bible say about restlessness?

What does the Bible say about anarchy/anarchism?

What does the Bible say about strife?

What does the Bible say about rebellion?

What does the Bible say about punctuality?

Does the Bible say anything that would apply to getting a massage/massage therapy?

What does the Bible say about temperance?

What does the Bible say about ageism?

What does the Bible say about affliction?

What does the Bible say about self-sacrifice / being self-sacrificial?

What is penitence? What does the Bible say about penitence?

What does the Bible say about inequality?

How should a Christian view fashion?

What is adoration in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about fortitude?

What does the Bible say about hubris?

What does the Bible say about being stiff-necked?

What is love? What is the definition of love?

What does the Bible say about dealing with regrets?

What does the Bible say about venting?

What does the Bible say about consumerism?

What is alienation? What does it mean that we are alienated from God?

What does the Bible say about self-image?

What does the Bible say about libel?

What does the Bible say about indecision / being indecisive?

What does the Bible say about stuttering?

Does the Bible say anything about acculturation?

What does the Bible say about resilience?

What does the Bible say about pettiness?

What does the Bible say about finding satisfaction in life?

What does the Bible say about dependability?

What does the Bible say about classism?

What does the Bible say about sun worship?

What does the Bible say about spying/eavesdropping?

What does the Bible say about seeking/granting asylum?

What does the Bible say about cynicism?

What is the meaning of pestilence in the Bible?

What is the difference between envy and jealousy, biblically speaking?

What does the Bible say about mourning?

What is a reviler in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about defilement?

What does the Bible say about hacking?

What is the meaning of beloved in the Bible?

What is the meaning of perfection in the Bible?

What is a pariah?

What does the Bible say about corruption?

Is it true that fear is a liar?

What does the Bible say about forgiveness? What does it mean to forgive?

What does the Bible say about littering?

What is the meaning of importunity?

What does the Bible say about diligence?

What does the Bible say about rescuing people from the consequences of their sins?

What does the Bible say about conceit / being conceited?

What are some examples of unfailing love in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about self-gratification / self-pleasure?

What does the Bible say about passivity / being passive?

Is it wrong to swear to God?

What is active obedience? What is passive obedience?

What does the Bible say about manipulation / being manipulative?

What does the Bible say about how to deal with controlling people?

What are the different types of love mentioned in the Bible?

What is guile in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about wealth?

What was a shepherd in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about vanity?

Who had red hair in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about how to love God?

Does the Bible say anything about clairvoyance?

What does the Bible say about acceptance?

What does the Bible say about nationalism?

What does the Bible say about apologizing?

What is the key to not being afraid according to the Bible?

What does the Bible mean when it tells us to fear not / do not fear? What does the Bible say about excellence?

What is the biblical view on genetically modified food?

What is an armor-bearer? Should there be a church position of armor-bearer?

Is cleanliness next to godliness?

What does the Bible say about loneliness?

What does the Bible say about narcissism?

What does the Bible say about deliverance?

What does the Bible say about shame and regret?

How can I recover from heartbreak / a broken heart?

What does the Bible say about managing/controlling emotions?

Should Christians go to nightclubs? Is clubbing a sin?

Should Christians go to parties? What does the Bible say about partying?

What does the Bible say about success?

What does the Bible say about kinesiology?

What does the Bible say about extreme fighting?

What does the Bible say about astronomy?

How should a Christian view vaccinations/vaccines?

What does the Bible say about worldliness?

How should a Christian view climate change?

Medical marijuana - what does the Bible say?

What does the Bible say about recreational marijuana use?

What does the Bible say about halos?

What does the Bible say about work?

What does the Bible say about education?

What does the Bible say about stress?

What does the Bible say about hope?

What does the Bible say about communication?

What does the Bible say about violence?

What does the Bible say about faith?

What does the Bible say about beauty?

What does the Bible say about knowledge?

What does the Bible say about failure?

What does the Bible say about responsibility?

What does the Bible say about attitude?

What does the Bible say about health?

What does the Bible say about pain?

What does the Bible say about nightmares?

What does the Bible say about complaining?

What does the Bible say about trust?

What does the Bible say about hate?

What does the Bible say about family?

What does the Bible say about Christian character?

What does the Bible say about suffering?

What does the Bible say about government?

What is biblical stewardship?

Christian martyrdom - what does the Bible say? Should Christians desire to become martyrs?

What should we learn from Christian martyrs?

What does the Bible say about friends?

What does the Bible say about capitalism?

How should a Christian view socialism?

What does the Bible say about greed?

What does the Bible say about praying for the dead?

Should a Christian be involved in mentoring? What does the Bible say about mentorship?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

Faith vs. fear - what does the Bible say?

How should a Christian view weight loss? What does the Bible say about obesity and weight loss?

When does hygiene cross the line and become vanity?

What does the Bible say about rest and relaxation?

What does the Bible say about empathy?

What does the Bible say about asexuality?

What is a eunuch in the Bible? What does the Bible say about eunuchs?

What does the Bible say about workaholism?

What are some encouraging Bible verses?

What does the Bible say about youth ministry?

What does the Bible say about fun and entertainment?

What does the Bible say about humility?

What does the Bible say about MLM (multi-level marketing)?

What principles should distinguish a Christian business?

What does the Bible say about being late or lateness?

Does the Bible say "come as you are"?

What does the Bible say about strength?

What does the Bible say about necromancy?

What does the Bible mean when it refers to a remnant?

What should be the Christian perspective on nudity in art?

What does the Bible say about the power of words?

What is servant leadership?

How can the Bible bring comfort during a difficult time?

Why did God allow incest in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about giving to the poor?

Does the Bible give any one individual spiritual authority over another individual?

How should Christians react to the death of evil people?

What does the Bible say about authority?

What does the Bible say about being poor?

What does the Bible say about respect?

What does the Bible say about obedience?

What is the social gospel?

What does the Bible say about self-righteousness?

What does the Bible say about charity?

What does the Bible say about integrity?

What does the Bible say about finding peace of mind?

What is the meaning of recompense?

How should a Christian respond to evidence of paranormal activity?

What does the Bible say about courage?

What does the Bible say about conflict resolution?

What are the causes and solutions for a hardened heart?

What does the Bible say about protection?

What does the Bible say about contentment?

What does the Bible say about bitterness?

What does the Bible say about commitment?

What does the Bible say about motivation?

What does the Bible teach about human trafficking?

What does the Bible have to say to victims of human trafficking?

What does the Bible say about rape?

What does the Bible say about loyalty?

What does the Bible say about transformation?

What is spiritual blindness?

What does the Bible say about compromise?

What does the Bible say about hospitality?

What does the Bible say about ambition?

Why does the Bible contain so much condemnation?

What does the Bible say about being left-handed?

What is the Christian view of asceticism / monasticism?

What does the Bible say about animal/pet euthanasia?

What is the cause of the recent plague of child molestation incidents?

What does the Bible say about honesty?

What does the Bible say about reading or writing fiction?

What does the Bible say about peace?

Why is encouragement so important according to the Bible?

What does the Bible say about keeping secrets?

What does the Bible say about selfishness?

What does the Bible say about eating/drinking blood?

What does the Bible say about anxiety?

What does the Bible say about sorcery?

What does the Bible say about confidence?

What does the Bible say about zombies?

What does the Bible say about perfectionism?

What does the Bible say about abuse?

What does the Bible say about being a man?

What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?

How should a Christian view gun control?

What does the Bible say about aging/growing old?

What is the definition of faith?

What does the Bible say about child sacrifice?

What does the Bible say about brokenness?

What does the Bible say about hypocrisy?

What does the Bible say about burnout?

What does the Bible say about scoffers?

What does the Bible mean when it refers to something as a perversion?

What does it mean to be contrite? What is contrition?

How does the Bible describe a fool?

What does the Bible say about music?

What does the Bible say about moderation?

What does the Bible have to say that would apply to animal testing?

What does the Bible say about being an overcomer?

What does the Bible say about orphans and widows?

What does the Bible say about obeying parents?

Where does faith come from?

What does the Bible say about foolishness?

What does the Bible say about inner peace?

Is it better, spiritually, to be poor than to be rich?

What is the definition of enmity?

What does the Bible mean when it says something is unclean?

What is a healing room? Are healing rooms biblical?

What does the Bible say about grudges?

What is an heir in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about teamwork?

What does the Bible say about optimism?

What does the Bible say about pessimism?

What does the Bible say about self-pity?

What does the Bible say about killing in war? Is killing in war a sin?

How can I maintain a good attitude when I am struggling with PMS?

How should a Christian woman deal with menopause?

How should a Christian view anime?

What does the Bible say about having a living will?

What is spiritual abuse?

What should it mean to be a Christian employer?

What does the Bible say about chanting? Should a Christian chant?

What does the Bible say about motives?

What is a mantra?

Dealing with mean people—what does the Bible say?

What does the Bible say about spreading rumors?

What does the Bible say about fighting?

What is usury in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about self-deception?

What does the Bible say about child sexual abuse?

What does the Bible say about expectations?

What does the Bible say about safety?

How can I overcome exam/test anxiety?

What does the Bible say about crystals?

What is the biblical perspective on multiculturalism?

What is sensationalism? What is a sensationalist?

What does the Bible say about confidentiality?

What does the Bible say about feeling overwhelmed?

What does the Bible say about talking too much / being talkative?

What is pedagogy?

What does the Bible say about terrorism?

Is it wrong to be nostalgic / have nostalgia?

What does it mean to vex / be vexed?

What does the Bible say about being a busybody?

What does the Bible have to say about gay adoption?

What does the Bible say about lawlessness?

What is alchemy? Does the Bible mention alchemy?

What is splankna therapy and is it biblical?

What is parapsychology?

What does the Bible say about smudging?

What does the Bible say about backbiting?

What does the Bible say about impiety? What does it mean to be impious?

What does the Bible say about teaching?

What does the Bible say about snitching / being a snitch?

What is a bridegroom?

What does the Bible say about feeding the hungry?

What does the Bible say about hypochondria or being a hypochondriac?

What does the Bible say about fatigue?

What does the Bible say about being mean-spirited?

What does the Bible say about intuition?

Does the Bible say anything about insomnia?

Does the Bible say anything about how to deal with puberty?

What does the Bible say about a person who is in a coma / comatose?

Why does the Bible speak against braided hair?

What does the Bible say about enchantment?

Does the Bible say anything about teleportation?

What does the Bible say about infatuation?

What is a scorner in the Bible?

Is artificial intelligence (AI) biblically possible?

What does the Bible say about dowsing?

What does the Bible say about traditionalism?

What does the Bible say about plagiarism?

What does the Bible say about competition?

What does the Bible say about being homeless / homelessness?

What does the Bible say about forbearance?

What does the Bible say about backstabbing?

What does the Bible say about togetherness?

What does the Bible say about having a phobia?

What does the Bible say about premonitions?

What does quicken mean in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about boldness?

What is virtue signaling?

What does the Bible say about sexual harassment?

What does the Bible say about sedition?

What does the Bible say about stereotypes?

What does the Bible say about sexism?

What is sacrilege? What does it mean to be sacrilegious?

What does the Bible say about retaliation?

What does the Bible say about interdependence?

What is gaslighting?

What does the Bible say about renewal?

What does the Bible say about sharing?

What does the Bible say about extrasensory perception (ESP)?

What does the Bible say about etiquette / manners?

What does the Bible say about estrangement?

What does the Bible say about angst?

What does the Bible say about discrimination?

What is lovingkindness in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about being self-conscious?

What does the Bible say about overthinking?

What does the Bible say about generosity?

What does the Bible say about altruism?

What does the Bible say about solidarity?

What is the meaning of travail in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about self-examination?

What does the Bible say about nagging?

What does the Bible say about pacifism?

What does the Bible say about conscientious objection?

What does the Bible say about stalking?

What does the Bible say about budgeting?

What does the Bible say about grief?

What does the Bible mean when it refers to emulations?

What does the Bible say about purity?

What is the meaning of impurity in the Bible?

What does it mean to be devout?

What does the Bible say about ignorance?

What is a vagabond in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about gangs?

What does the Bible say about how widows are to be treated?

What does the Bible say about precognition?

What is spiritual darkness?

How should a Christian view the Mafia?

What does the Bible say about adultery?

What does the Bible say about coarse jesting and crude joking?

What does the Bible say about prosperity?

What does the Bible say about sexual assault?

What does the Bible say about repentance? What does it mean to repent?

What does the Bible say about how to humble yourself?

What does the Bible say about dyeing hair?

What does the Bible say about sincerity?

What does the Bible say about dealing with chronic pain?

What does the Bible say about bravery / being brave?

What does the Bible say about chastity?

What does the Bible say about willpower?

What does the Bible say about promiscuity / being promiscuous?

What does the Bible say about confrontation?

What does the Bible say about being passive-aggressive?

What does the Bible say about intimidation?

What does the Bible say about guilt?

What does the Bible say about giving up?

What does the Bible say about eating junk food?

What does the Bible say about gray hair?

What does the Bible say about famine?

Why would God allow Covid-19?

What is the definition of a miracle?

What does the Bible say about persistence?

How can I learn to stop blaming others for my problems?

What does the Bible say about change?

Is there any special meaning/symbolism to owls in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about being zealous / having zeal?

What does the Bible say about meditation?

What are some biblical examples of meditation?

What is the difference between faith and trust?

What is the significance of vultures in the Bible?

What is clairsentience? What are psychic vibrations?

What is unfeigned love?

What does leaven symbolize in the Bible?

What is Machiavellianism?

What does it mean to tarry?

What is the meaning of the Greek word apostello?

What is the difference between righteousness and holiness?

What does the Bible say about sex?

What does the Bible say about essential oils?

What does the Bible say about order vs chaos?

What is the meaning of woe in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about censorship?

What was calamus in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about friendliness?

What does the Bible say about division?

What does the Bible say about bereavement?

What does the Bible say about justice?

What is punitive justice? What does the Bible say about punitive justice?

What is pharmakeia in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about inflation?

What is an extortioner in the Bible?

Does the Bible say to believe in yourself?

What does the Bible say about communion?

What does the Bible say about giving?

What does the Bible say about unity?

What does the Bible say about freedom?

What does the Bible say about wasting food?

What does the Bible say about waiting?

What is a foothold, spiritually speaking?

What does the Bible say about alcohol?

What does the Bible say about truth?

What is a vow of silence?

What does the Bible say about violence against women?

What does the Bible say about discipline?

What does the Bible say about comfort?

How should a Christian respond to mass shootings?

What does the Bible say about feelings?

What does the Bible say about trials?

What does the Bible say about embarrassment?

What is the definition of hope?

What does the Bible say about road rage?

What is the meaning of the word marvel in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about looking down on others?

What does the Bible say about being wholehearted?

What does the Bible say about belief?

What is infantilization?

What does the Bible say about having a teachable spirit?

What does the Bible say about purification?

What does the Bible say about tolerance?

What does the Bible say about self-justification?

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This page last updated: September 23, 2024