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Questions about 2 Peter

Book of 2 Peter - Bible Survey

Who wrote the book of 2 Peter? Who was the author of 2 Peter?

Who was Peter in the Bible?

What is brotherly kindness?

In what ways are believers partakers of the divine nature?

What does it mean that He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)?

What are some of the exceedingly great and precious promises mentioned in 2 Peter 1:4?

What does it mean to follow cunningly devised fables (2 Peter 1:16)?

What does Peter mean when he tells us to make our calling and election sure in 2 Peter 1:10?

What does 2 Peter 1:20 mean about interpreting Scripture?

What does it mean to grow in grace?

What does it mean that Noah was a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5)?

Why are false teachers compared to wells without water (2 Peter 2:17)?

What does it mean to escape the pollutions of the world (2 Peter 2:20)?

What does it mean that a dog returns to its own vomit (2 Peter 2:22)?

What does it mean that a washed sow returns to wallowing in the mire (2 Peter 2:22)?

What does it mean that there will be scoffers in the last days?

What does 2 Peter 3:8 mean when it says a thousand years are a day?

What does it mean that God is not slow in keeping His promise (2 Peter 3:9)?

What does it mean that God is not willing for any to perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9)?

What does it mean to be twisting the Scriptures to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16)?

What does “fall from your secure position” mean in 2 Peter 3:17?

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Questions about 2 Peter
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