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Questions about 1 Peter

Book of 1 Peter - Bible Survey

Who wrote the book of 1 Peter? Who was the author of 1 Peter?

Who was Peter in the Bible?

Was Saint Peter the first Pope?

What is the living hope in 1 Peter 1:3?

What does it mean to be kept by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5)?

What does it mean to be tested by fire (1 Peter 1:7)?

What does it mean that the genuineness of faith is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7)?

What does it mean that “by His stripes we are healed”?

What does it mean that angels long to look into these things (1 Peter 1:12)?

What does it mean to gird up the loins of your mind (1 Peter 1:13)?

How should we live in light of God saying, “Be holy for I am holy” (Leviticus 19:2; 1 Peter 1:16)?

What does it mean that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone?

What is spiritual milk (1 Peter 2:2)?

What does it mean that Jesus and believers are living stones in 1 Peter 2:4-5?

What is the spiritual house in 1 Peter 2:5?

What are spiritual sacrifices?

How is Jesus a rock of offense (1 Peter 2:8)?

What does it mean that “you are a chosen generation” (1 Peter 2:9)?

What does it mean that we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9)?

What does it mean that we are a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9)?

What does 1 Peter 2:9 mean when it refers to believers as peculiar people?

What is the marvelous light in 1 Peter 2:9?

What does it mean to be servants of God (1 Peter 2:16)?

What does it mean to live for righteousness (1 Peter 2:24)?

Why does the Bible speak against braided hair?

What does it mean that women should have a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4)?

What does it mean that Sarah called Abraham lord (1 Peter 3:6)?

What does it mean that wives are the “weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7)?

How can believers be of one mind (1 Peter 3:8)?

What does it mean that the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous (1 Peter 3:12)?

What does it mean to sanctify the Lord God in your hearts (1 Peter 3:15)?

What does it mean to always be ready to give an answer (1 Peter 3:15)?

Does 1 Peter 3:21 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?

Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?

Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?

Who were the spirits in prison?

What does it mean that the gospel was preached to those who are dead (1 Peter 4:6)?

What does it mean that the end of all things is at hand (1 Peter 4:7)?

How can we above all love each other deeply (1 Peter 4:8)?

What does it mean that love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)?

What is the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10)?

What does it mean to obey the gospel of God (1 Peter 4:17)?

What does it mean that judgment begins at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17)?

What does it mean that the righteous is scarcely saved (1 Peter 4:18)?

What does it mean to clothe yourself with humility (1 Peter 5:5)?

What does it mean that God resists the proud (1 Peter 5:5)?

What does it mean that God gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5)?

What does it mean to humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God (1 Peter 5:6)?

What does it mean to cast all your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7)?

Why are we supposed to be sober and vigilant (1 Peter 5:8)?

Why is Satan described as “your adversary the devil” (1 Peter 5:8)?

How is the devil like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8)?

What encouragement is there “after you have suffered a little while” (1 Peter 5:10)?

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Questions about 1 Peter
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