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What does it mean to “let those who love Him be like the sun” (Judges 5:31)?

translate let those who love Him be like the sun

Judges 5 records the song of Deborah and Barak after God caused Israel’s victory in battle over Jabin, the king of Canaan. The song concludes with the appeal to the Lord for blessing: “Let those who love Him be like the sun When it comes out in full strength” (Judges 5:31, NKJV).

The writer of Judges makes it clear that God was the One who defeated Jabin king of Canaan (Judges 4:23). The victory belonged to the Lord, but it would be Israel who would enjoy the blessings of that victory. Deborah and Barak sang a song reminding the people that they should praise the Lord, as the victory was His (Judges 5:3). The song mentions Deborah, the prophetess; Barak, the military leader; and Jael, the woman who killed Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army (Judges 4:7, 17–20).

In the concluding line of the song of Deborah and Barak, they add, “Thus let all your enemies perish, O Lord, but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might” (Judges 5:31, NASB 1995). This is an appeal for justice, that the enemies of God might all perish, and that those who love the Lord will be like the rising of the sun on a bright and cloudless morning. Each new day, the sun rises—mightily and with powerful blessing felt by all the inhabitants of the earth. Deborah and Barak ask God that those who love Him might rise up with predictable and renewed strength and blessing—like the sun.

Deborah and Barak’s request is reminiscent of Jesus’ illustration when He predicted a time when “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43). It also brings to mind God’s affirmation that those who wait upon Him will gain new strength, will rise like eagles, will run and not get tired, and will walk and not be weary (Isaiah 40:31).

Deborah’s and Barak’s song is a reminder to us that God is faithful and that He keeps His word. Paul explains in Romans 8:28–30 that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. He is working things out for our benefit—that we may ultimately be conformed to the image of Christ. So, even when we are going through difficult battles and trials, we can have confidence that God knows. He is not ignorant of our difficulties. Rather, they are designed for our good. For that reason, we can even rejoice in our trials as Peter exhorts (1 Peter 1:6–7). As James encourages us, we can consider it all joy when we encounter various difficulties (James 1:2–4).

Deborah and Barak understood that God is faithful. Even though they had undergone a difficult trial, God had allowed them to be renewed, and they asked God to let all who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its full strength.

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What does it mean to “let those who love Him be like the sun” (Judges 5:31)?
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