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Muslim Questions

Do you wonder what Muslims believe? Perhaps you are a Muslim who has questions about Jesus (Isa) or about how to reach paradise. Listed below are questions from or about Muslims that the Bible answers.

Assurance of Paradise

How can I, a Muslim, become assured of paradise?

Can keeping the Five Pillars of Islam get me to heaven?

Questions about Jesus

Why did Jesus have to die?

How could God have a son?

Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection?

Questions about the Bible

Do the Qur'an and Muhammad affirm or reject the Bible? Should a Muslim read the Bible?

Have Christians corrupted the Bible?

Does the Qur'an replace the Bible?

Does the Bible prophesy the coming of Muhammad?

How do we know that the Bible is the Word of God, and not the Apocrypha, the Qur'an, the Book of Mormon, etc.?

How does the preservation of the Qur’an compare to the preservation of the Bible?

Questions about Christianity

I am a Muslim. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?

If I convert to Christianity, my family will disown me, and I will be persecuted. Should I follow Jesus?

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Why don’t Christians fast the same as Muslims?

Do Christians believe in three gods?

What are some reasons for the animosity between Christians and Muslims?

What makes Christianity unique?

Witnessing to Muslims - what is the key?

How can Christians be sensitive to Muslim/Islamic culture?

What is Chrislam?

Is it allowable for a Christian to eat halal food?

How is the Islamic idea of jihad different from violence in the Bible?

Should Christians be concerned about the idea of Sharia Law?

How should Christians view the idea of Muslims having dreams/visions about Jesus?

How should Christians respond to the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Questions about Islam

What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?

Who is Allah? What is the origin of belief in Allah?

Who was Muhammad?

What is the Qur’an?

Do Muslims call Allah "˜Father'? How can we come to God as Father?

Should Muslims read the gospel of Barnabas as the true story of Jesus?

Are there errors in the Qur'an (Koran)?

What is Sunni Islam?

What is Shia Islam?

Shia and Sunni Islam - what are the differences?

What is Wahhabism? What is Wahhabi Islam?

What is the Salafi movement in Islam?

What is Sufism?

What is the Baha'i faith?

What is Ramadan?

Why do Muslim women have to wear a hijab?

What are jinn?

What is the Shahada in Islam?

What is the significance of Mecca in Islam?

What is Islamophobia? What is an Islamophobe?

What is al-Qadr in Islam?

What is Ahmadiyya Islam?

What is Hanafi Islam?

What is Maliki Islam?

What is Hanbali Islam?

What is Shafi’i Islam?

What is the hadith in Islam?

Who is Al-Masih ad-Dajjal in Islamic eschatology?

What is the Twelfth Imam in Islamic eschatology?

What are the satanic verses?

What is Hamas?

Bible Studies for Muslims

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus - Day 1 - Jesus the Perfect Man

Who is Jesus - Day 2 - Jesus the Miracle Worker

Who is Jesus - Day 3 - Jesus the Teacher

Who is Jesus - Day 4 - Jesus the Prophet

Who is Jesus - Day 5 - Jesus the Savior

Who is Jesus - Day 6 - Jesus the Resurrected Lord

Who is Jesus - Day 7 - Jesus the Exalted King

What is the Christmas Story?

Christmas Story - Day 1 - Who was Jesus’ father?

Christmas Story - Day 2 - Where was Jesus born?

Christmas Story - Day 3 - Why was Jesus born?

Christmas Story - Day 4 - Do Christians worship Mary?

Christmas Story - Day 5 - Did Jesus, the Messiah, come to save the Jews only?

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Muslim Questions
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This page last updated: October 31, 2023