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Search results for: evolution
148 results found.
15 pages of results.
What was the leviathan? Was the leviathan a dinosaur? Was the leviathan a mythological creature?
What is the behemoth? Was the behemoth a dinosaur? Was the behemoth a mythological creature?
What similarities are there between the Enuma Elish and the Genesis creation account? Is the Genesis creation account copied from the Enuma Elish?
How does the Cambrian Explosion fit within the framework of young-earth creationism? Can young earth creationists account for the Cambrian Explosi...
Do faith in God and science contradict? Are faith in God and science mutually exclusive? Are faith and science compatible?
What is the God of the gaps argument? Should we only view God as being involved in the things we cannot explain scientifically?
What is scientism? How is atheism related to scientism? Do atheists hold to scientism as a worldview?
What is the biblical Creation story? Is the Creation story in Genesis chapters 1-2 to be understood literally?
How does the geologic timescale fit with the view of a young earth? Is the earth billions of years old, or thousands of years old?
How can the light of stars billions of light years away from the earth have reached us if the earth is only thousands of years old? Home