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Search results for: evolution
148 results found.
15 pages of results.
How is Intelligent Design any different from belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster? What is a Pastafarian? What is Pastafarianism? What is the Chur...
Is the concept of Lucifer’s Flood biblical? Was Lucifer the leader of a race of beings on earth before God created Adam and Eve?
Articles from the Questions about Creation category organized into easy-to-follow subcategories.
How does the fact that human beings possess some Neanderthal DNA impact creationism? Is the presence of Neanderthal DNA in homo sapiens evidence f...
What is biogenesis? How is biogenesis different from abiogenesis? Is biogenesis biblical?
How is belief in God any different from Flying Spaghetti Monsterism? Is there just as much evidence for a Flying Spaghetti Monster as there is for...
What is old earth creationism? Does mainstream science have the age of the universe correctly estimated?
What is the Omega Point? Is the concept of an Omega Point compatible with biblical Christianity?
Is God imaginary? Is God nothing more than an imaginary friend for adults? Is God a figment of our imaginations?
What is living cosmology? What does it mean to hold to living cosmology as a scientific and spiritual worldview? Home