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Why should I trust

translate why should I trust

Modern technology has given us many new ways to share information. Unfortunately, using that same technology, it’s just as easy to communicate rumors, myths, and misunderstandings as it is to spread the truth. In a world full of fake news, trust is a difficult thing to establish. That’s why it’s important to verify sources. Asking “why should I trust Got Questions?” is an excellent thing.

Got Questions Ministries seeks to prove itself trustworthy in several ways. It’s crucial to define what “trust” should mean when it comes to a resource such as ours. We never want anyone to believe something “just because” Got Questions said it. Nor do we expect readers to assume anything contrary to our position is wrong by default. That would not be “trust”; that would be naivety. At Got Questions, we seek to present information clearly and straightforwardly, with biblical support. Our hope is that others investigate what we say and find it to be both relevant and accurate. On that basis, we would love for others to “trust” Got Questions by considering us a reliable and respectable resource.

Jesus was challenged to justify His teachings. In response, Jesus didn’t say, “Just trust Me because I said so”; rather, He pointed to three basic forms of evidence: human testimony, real-world events, and Scripture (John 5:31–40). Obviously, we are not Jesus, and we don’t claim to have His level of authority. But, if that level of scrutiny can be applied to Him, it should definitely be applied to us.

With that in mind, there are three primary reasons we believe Got Questions Ministries has shown itself to be trustworthy:

Human Testimony: A tremendous number of people have found our information to be helpful and reliable. Many of those people are now volunteers who work with us, continuing our tradition of providing truthful, simple presentations of the Bible. Much of our web traffic comes from those who have put our ministry to the test and found it to be reliable. We regularly receive positive feedback, even from those with theological disagreements who appreciate the impact and approach of the ministry. The availability of our online articles allows for an objective assessment, something available to anyone who is so inclined.

Real-world Events: Got Questions ministries has grown steadily since 2002 to reach millions of people worldwide. This has not been accomplished by selling products, offering cures, or peddling feel-good gibberish. It has not made anyone involved rich or famous. Instead, our growth has been due to the impact of our website on individuals. Our staff’s personal accolades have always been downplayed, so the focus can remain on Scripture. It’s easy to grow an organization by offering fireworks and telling people what they want to hear. Got Questions, in contrast, has grown the “hard way,” steadily and successfully, by focusing on telling the truth in easy-to-understand terms.

Scripture: Our strong emphasis is on the Bible. This is why we clearly indicate where and how our information is drawn from the Word of God. Our site users can then fact-check and verify what’s being written. In addition, Got Questions does not attempt to amplify—or mute—what the Bible says in order to fit our preferences. When there is room for doubt, we strive to make that clear. Where Scripture is clear, we’re willing to take a stand, even if it invites criticism. When criticism is constructive, we take it prayerfully under consideration, and we submit to change when it’s sensible to do so.

In general, Got Questions should be considered trustworthy because it has been tested, checked, and verified (see Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Colossians 2:8). Ideally, each person who reads our material will put it to the test. Our prayerful hope is that such scrutiny will continue to demonstrate our ministry as “approved . . . rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, ESV). We do not want, nor would we expect, anything we say to be accepted blindly or without discernment. We are not infallible and make no claim to be. We sincerely hope that, given the sum total of our materials, history, and impact, others would deem us a resource worth considering with value and respect.

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