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15 pages of results.
Is affiliated with the Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff? Is there any connection between and the Bible Answer M...
What is the Process Church of The Final Judgment? What were the beliefs of the Process Church of The Final Judgment?
Who is Apollo Quiboloy? What is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church? Is Apollo Quiboloy a false prophet? Is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church a cu...
What is the United Church of God (UCG or UCOG)? How is the United Church of God related to the Worldwide Church of God?
What is Christ’s Commission Fellowship? What are the beliefs of Christ’s Commission Fellowship? Should Christ’s Commission Fellowship be considere...
Who are the Two by Twos and the Cooneyites, and what do they believe? What was the origin of the Two by Twos and the Cooneyites? Should they be co...
What is the Good News Mission, and what do they believe? What is the history and mission of the Good News Mission?
What is “the Way” in the Bible? Why is the Christian faith referred to as “the Way” in the book of Acts?
Who was Semiramis? Was Semiramis real? Was Semiramis the basis for Sumerian and Greek goddesses?
Who was Harold Camping? What were some of the problems with Harold Camping’s teachings, especially towards the end of his life? Home