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Search results for: cult
145 results found.
15 pages of results.
What is The Way International? What are the beliefs of the The Way International? Is it a cult?
What is the International House of Prayer (IHOPKC)? Is the International House of Prayer a cult? What are the beliefs/practices of IHOP?
What is Armstrongism? Is the Worldwide Church of God a cult? Who was Herbert W. Armstrong?
Is Catholicism a false religion? Is Catholicism a cult? Does the Catholic Church deny salvation by grace through faith?
What is Iglesia ni Cristo? What are the beliefs of Iglesia ni Cristo? Should Iglesia ni Cristo be considered a cult?
What is the United Pentecostal Church (UPC, UPCI)? What is the origin of the United Pentecostal Church? Is the UPC a cult?
What is the New Apostolic Church (NAC), and what do they believe? Is the New Apostolic Church a Christian denomination or a pseudo-Christian cult?
What were the mystery religions? Did mystery religions have any influence on early Christianity?
What is Christian Science? Is Christian Science a cult? What is a Christian scientist and what do Christian scientists believe?
What is the House of Yahweh? What was the origin of the House of Yahweh? Is the House of Yahweh a cult? Home